For all you married people out there! Tag your married friends that you want to know about! Do the copy/paste thing into your notes, and pass it along. It's fun!
1. Where did you meet your spouse for the first time?
We met working at a nursing home and I had set Adam up with a friend and it didn't work out with them.
2. What is your spouse's full name:
Adam Michael Raymond
3. Do you have any house pets:
2 Beta Fish and 2 dogs - Bella and Tinkers
4. Do you own a house or rent:
5. Do you live in the country or town/city:
6. What is one of your favorite activities together:
Going to dinner and movie
7. Do you have a favorite vacation spot:
Park City
8. When did you first kiss?
About 2 days after we started seeing each other
9. What church do you attend?
We don't
10. Is this the church you were married in:
We were married in a church but are not active
11. What town is your current address at:
12. Do you work or stay at home:
Work part time at Penguin Copies and go to school part time
13. Where did you go on your honeymoon:
Green River/Moab
14.What was the funniest gift you gave when dating?
I honestly don't remember
15. Who asked who out?
He asked me
16. How old are each of you?
Me 19 Him 20
17.Where do you each work or go to school?
I work at Penguin Copies and He is at home, we both go to school online through UMass, Lowell
18. Did you go to the same school?
No he went to Spanish Fork and I went to Springville
19. Are you from the same home town?
Nope he's from Spanish Fork I'm from Leeds
20. Who is smarter?
He is by far in most subjects
21. Who is more sensitive?
Me but he has a softer/romantic side
22.Where do you eat out most as a couple?
Red Robin
23. Where is the furthest you two have traveled together as a couple?
Nauvoo, Ill
24.Who has the craziest exes?
He does
25. Who has the worse temper?
Me - I think it's from the Hall side
26. Who does the cooking?
I do but since I burn water he usually takes over
27. Who is more social?
Definitely him, I tend to be shy or "cold" at first
28. Who is the neat-freak?
Oh definitely me, very OCD about it - thanks Grandpa
29. Who is more stubborn?
Me again
30. Who hogs the bed?
The dogs lol
31. Who wakes up earlier?
I do to get the kids to school
32. Where was your first date?
We went to dinner in St. George
33.Who had more boyfriends/girlfriends?
34. Do you get flowers often?
Usually a couple times a year
35. How do you spend the holidays?
Every other year with my family for Thanksgiving if we can make it otherwise at his family
36. How long did it take to get serious?
About a month
37. Who eats more?
Either Adam or Jaydyn lol
38. Who does the laundry?
39. Who’s better with the computer?
Adam for sure
40. Leave a piece of advice for the other couples.
Never go to bed angry with each other no matter how late you stay up.