This year Adam and I went out for Halloween. We went to Harry O's in Park City with our friends Ian and Emily - it was a lot of fun! We had a blast dressing up.
It's kinda dark, the flash got messed up.

Ian and Emily:

The next day we took the kids trick or treating. Since we live in Utah we celebrate holidays on Saturday if they fall on a Sunday. On Friday my mom watched the kids and they went trick or treating around her neighborhood and Saturday afternoon we went around Provo City to the little thing the city puts on. Trick or treating has definitely changed from when I used to go! Now it's all about making it safe and easy for the kids. I remember going out with my friends as soon as school was out and going door to door for hours but not anymore. I kinda miss it being like that!
Nik hated the mask because of his glasses so he wore it like this - he's a goof!

We went with my mom, my sister and my nieces.

Kira and Jaycee didn't want their pictures taken but you can see them, kinda, in some of the other pictures.
I also have to post this. A friend of mine sent me this in a text - took him 3 1/2 hours!! We are all huge LOTR fans and play online together - his pumpkin even has the sindarin lettering on the crown.