Saturday, April 2, 2011

March update!

Nothing too exciting in March. I recovered from my surgery but my doctor appointment hasn't happened yet so no deep cleaning for me - it's driving me crazy!

I got my wisdom teeth out. I hate the dentist so this was a huge thing for me. They prescribed me Valium and that helped a lot. Everything went fine other than 1 tooth had grown into my jaw bone so they ended up drilling into my jaw to get it out. I feel pretty good today other than that tooth.

Nik had his Scout Court of Honor on March 29th. He had earned his Tenderfoot, nd class and 1st class. He also earned his fingerprinting merit badge and a special honor award. I am so proud of him - he has worked so hard on his scouting. His leaders are amazing and he has so much fun with them!


1 comment:

Nate Family said...

Sounds like the boys have had a good month at least! Glad you are recovering from everything. Just in time for some warm weather (hopefully).