Friday, May 22, 2009


I had a nice little scare tonight. Adam had been complaining about stomach pains all day and it got to the point that I couldn't touch him or our bed because of the amount of pain it brought him. I finally convinced hm to go to the doctor at about 7 pm. After an hour in the ER we got 1 blood test back and his white blood cells were at 21,000. They took him in for a CT scan and after the rest of the results came back it confirmed that he had appendicitis. At 9 pm they took him for surgery and he is now sleeping peacefully thanks to the drugs. The doctor said that as long as he gets up to start walking and he is feeling okay in the morning he should be released early tomorrow afternoon.

I realize that this kind of surgery isn't that big of a deal but hospitals in general make me nervous lol

Just wanted to say thanks to Mike & Janet for rushing down to take the kids, it was a big help knowing they were taken care of for the night. Also to my parents for coming and sitting at the hospital with me while Adam was in surgery, I know how long of a drive it is and it was late. Thanks guys and we love you so much!

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