Friday, September 24, 2010


Adam & I both decided to try the HCG diet. We researched everything, talked to people who had done it and made the decision. Basically, for those that don't know, you can do injections or drops of the HCG hormone. We chose drops. We take 6 drops 6 times a day for 3 weeks and can only eat 500 calories. This seems like very little but the hormone is using all that extra fat your body stores so you are actually getting 2500 or so. Pregnant women have a high amount of this hormone and the extra fat is given to the baby. This is basically the same thing - no there are no side effects lol Adam is not turning girlie on me.

We started this on Tuesday 9/21 and so far have lost 7lbs and Adam has lost 8lbs. The hardest part for Adam is not being able to eat when he wants. He is used to snacking or making a really good meal and this just doesn't happen with this diet. The hardest part for me was quitting pop but I did it! The headaches weren't as bad as I've had in the past, mainly due to how much water I have to drink each day. They tell you to drink at least 2L or more. Your meals are: Breakfast - as much coffee or tea as you want, has to be plain though - no sugar! You can add Stevia to it, which helps from what Adam said. Lunch - 100g of meat - can be chicken or steak grilled or broiled or white fish, 1 serving of veggies and 1 serving of fruit. Dinner - same as lunch. They give you a list of what fruits and veggies are okay as well as how much is considered a serving. Same with the meat.

You are supposed to give up all bathroom products since most of them have oil but that's something I'm not willing to give up. I can't imagine going 3 weeks without deodorant, shampoo & Conditioner, makeup. Sheesh!

Anyways I'll update on how it goes next week. Our first week we've done great!


Unknown said...

How has your diet gone? I did that after I had Lexi and lost 15lbs. It works great! I just need th motivation to do it again to get the rest of the baby weight off. My mom does it too but cheats and still looses some weight on it.

The Raymond's said...

I lost 12 lbs. but towards the end cheated quite a bit. After Halloween I'm going to do another 3 weeks on it. I loved that it actually worked!